Unfortunately Stephen was diagnosed with various cancers and has undergone therapy which was successful for some of the cancers but unfortunately the colon cancer wasn’t successful and he had a operation last week, there has been some complications and he has been transferred to another hospital which is in Harrow , Diane is finding this extremely difficult and is travelling up and down to see him.
She updated me on his situation throughout each day and this morning she was telling me about other unfortunate circumstances she has had to go through whilst dealing with this.
I have offered to help offload her stress by appealing for help via our page.
We have created a wish list for food items for her as she explains she has no food at home, she has fallen behind with bills and the travel expenses back and forth to hospitals also.
Therefore we have created a wish list and are hoping that together we can help reduce the stress load.
If our supporters could either purchase an item of wish list or contribute a pound to PayPal we can help with travel expenses and food and possibly help her with some of the situations she is going through.
We understand you have all helped with helping others with deposits and accomodation recently so this appeal may take a little longer to close.
We thank you all in advance from the bottom of our hearts.
If you are unable to help please keep Stephen in your prayers
These are just some of the deliveries we recieved for Stephen and Diane yesterday.
Had a few more after this and a box this morning.
Thank you
Delivered soooo many of your deliveries to Diane today, Thank you all for your help.
Stephen is still in hospital, he is still unable to eat without been sick.
Praying for you Stephen